We Can Handle Just About Anything
You Have a need, We Have Answers
We can help with your evangelistic goals
In this day and age evangelism is more difficult than ever. Many changes have come in today’s society and personal space and security are only part of these changes. Residences are very leery opening doors to strangers. More and more are living in gated communities and secured apartment buildings, where solicitation is banned. What can we do? How can we spread the gospel to our neighbors? How can we reach the rural areas and the far north where boats and planes are the normal means of transportation? Canadians are very private people, politics and religion are subjects that can invoke very strong opinions. PROJECT: Steps to Christ offers a way to reach out to fellow Canadians through direct mailing. With the onset of Covid Project: Steps to Christ had to think of a way to expand our reach and keeping all involved safe, Facebook Ads was the answer and now we can reach a completely new audience.
Mailing Program

Using the Canadian Post Office we are able to mass mail ‘Finding Peace’ (Step to Christ) book to all homes in an area of your choosing. We can target as small as a carrier route around your home or church, or as large as your budget will allow. With the Post Office software we can determine how many homes are in any given route. We prepare the books, bring them to our local post office for delivery to the final distribution center. On average within two weeks the books are delivered locally. Every book mailed has a response card where the recipient can request other free literature or bible studies and we will care for all material requested. We then send the original response card to you for personal follow-up.
NOTE: Canada Post Office grants home owner to refuse Neighborhood mail if requested, possibility not all homes, apartment complex or gated communities in an area would receive a book.
Facebook Ad
So many are experiencing so many hardships, so many unknowns, so many requirements, loss of work, online learning, in school learning, the worry of an elderly parent in a long-term home, just to mention a few of the many uncertainties one faces. Who are these people, where are they, how can we comfort them? God provided a new way of reaching out to them in these unprecedented times. “FACEBOOK AD”. It is a paid advertisement that shows up randomly and without the users consent on their “Facebook wall” offering, in the case of our evangelistic intent, a free message book Finding Peace. Facebook lead ads work by making sign-ups easy for people and more valuable for ministry response. Lead ads look just like regular ads but when a person clicks on it, they’ll see a form that’s already filled out with information they previously shared with Facebook. To order a free book, they simply submit the form, which is followed up by an order confirmation email and PSTC handles the rest.